On Psychic channeling, psychic channelers, entities, and such… UPDATED

Channelers are experiencing an unprecedented amount of attention and wealth.

Why is that: channeling comes closest to organized religion: there is an all-knowing figurehead that answers questions, pronounces truths, teaches, preaches, and does your bidding in a lot of ways. A dependence develops between the entity and you… you are hooked. You found your tit from which to suck your knowledge, and you have been relieved from having to think for yourself.

People are hoping to have answers, hoping to be sure before they do something, want guidance, and the channel is more than willing to provide that.

Chenneling reminds me of the gipsy I met some 40 years ago on a sunny spring day, much like today. I was on my way to pick up my paycheck at work, though I was on sick leave, but I had to live.

Paycheck meant cash then, no checks in Hungary, I don’t even think they have checking system even now. They carry around cash, though they have credit cards.

Anyway, I was in a sunshiny mood, and the gipsy showed up and offered to tell me my future.

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