Category Archives: Enlightenment

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs. Transformation?

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. Their function is that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier. Like Soma in Brave New World.
Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.
What do I mean? If you trapped a lion and kept it in a cage, you would tend to its health, tend to its mood, tend to its mental health, but did not release the lion to live according to its nature, then you would engage in consolation. A lion is only happy when it can live according to its design.

Human being, you, is kept in an environment that keeps you away from your nature. Human being, by design, is an individual: Intelligent, able to intimately connect to its environment and its in-vironment, and this is how it lives a meaningful existence.

This separation of man from its nature has happened in many stages, and today’s man, like today’s zoo-born lion, doesn’t even remember its nature. It is not happy, but it doesn’t know why.

When you return a wild animal into its native environment, it doesn’t know first how to fit in.

It doesn’t know how to hunt for its food, it doesn’t know how to be safe, it doesn’t know how he is supposed to be with other animals. But it will learn, and it will be free.

The human animal, on the other hand, carries their cage in their mind. There is no need for an actual cage, no need for an actual rope, he is more than willing to perpetuate the cage:
the human animal of the twenty first century is the dumbest animal of all.
Elephants, when they are very young, they are tied with a strong rope to a stake in the ground. The stake is strong, the rope is strong, and the young elephant can’t pull it out. Gradually, the keepers swap the strong rope to a weaker rope, and eventually they just have a rope tied around the ankle, no stake, and the elephants don’t run away.

They got taught that the feeling of the rope around their ankle meant that they are not able to run away. If you ask someone if the elephant is dumb, I bet they will say they are, but humans are much dumber, you only need to talk to them, say ‘no’ a few times, and they make their own mental ties that they won’t release even in expensive therapy, courses, hypnosis, what have you.

I have been working with a small group of brave people, to develop and test energetic transformational techniques to ‘surgically’ remove their ties that keep them cowardly, small, anguish ridden, unhappy, and unproductive.
Most people would say that they want to be free, free to be themselves, but when the rubber hits the road, when the moment is near, they cower.
The feeling is much like the lion feels at the moment of its release. The lion had known the safety and certainty of the cage and the daily feedings and discipline.
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You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. I send it to you.

Your vibration is 130, your wife’s is 200

You email back: “That’s very strange and looks wrong. Coz we are very wealthy healthy and happy.”

You think that your physical well being, even your so called happiness is any indicator of your spiritual vibration, the level of your consciousness…

No, it’s as if you were looking at the person who looks healthy but has maybe cancer ravage their bodies, or a heart attack waiting to happen.

Consciousness is not skin deep. You are…

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Mindfulness? No. Meditation? No. Meditative living? Yes

It was my shopping day yesterday…

Through bad design, I have my webinars on the same day as my shopping day.

And yesterday I felt creamed by the experience.

I dragged myself through, slept like a baby, but I am still exhausted today.

The difference for me between tired and exhausted, is my breathing. If my chest is not willing to expand, I call that exhaustion…

Anyway, I went to lie down about an hour ago, and opened a new book, 10-minute mindfulness, or something like that… on my kindle.

Five minutes into it I suddenly I realized what happened, what I didn’t do…

OK, first I am going to tell you what others teach you to do to be more present in life and less swept up in the drama of the day.

Then I will tell you what works… what I normally do, and what I didn’t do yesterday. OK?
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You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it…

Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment.

A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. Because they are charitable, kind, nice, don’t kill puppies, and volunteer… whatever b.s. is considered high vibration nowadays.

But the vibration number shows one thing and one thing only: how much your behavior is informed by reality and how much is informed by b.s., rules, myths, ideas, that ignore reality.

And your vibration number is low.
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Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they were weaklings, they had to be made weaklings. Updated

Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they are weaklings. Humans have a brain uniquely qualified for thinking, reasoning, choosing. ForĀ  95% of humanity not to know, or not want to use their brain for thinking, reasoning, choosing, they had to be made weaklings. Humans are meant to be highly adaptable supported by their disproportionately large brain. Individually. That big brain makes you human, that is your strongest point, and that is also what makes you vulnerable.

Each and every human alive today, regardless of their ethnicity, whether they can accept the DNA capacity activations or not, is able to be with a lot of adversity, that you, my dear reader, are not finding yourself capable of.

Everything seems to threaten your ordered little world, and it feels that if you can’t fix that threat, it will crack your world and you with it.

When I ask a student about this, either they say they are weak, or they say that they are strong, but their behavior belies a fundamental belief that they are weak, that they think they cannot deal with it.

This does not come from personal experience. Most of you have never experienced much that requires courage, or strength, or the capacity to make it through adverse circumstances. Beliefs are this are implanted, through centuries long conditioning.

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What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it? Can you define yourself?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much.

Something is driving me…

I used to say it this way: “I can’t do no other”…
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You Suck. And it sucks. But unless you are willing to…

I wrote this email 12 years ago… It is a great reminder for me, and it is quite apropos for you. Even though you may not be in marketing, you may not have a sales letter… but you have me, and I could be your Big Kahuna… So here is the email:
You Suck
Some people get lucky.

Most people I know want to avoid a situation where they can look bad. I know I do.

These are the ones that stagnate.

Then some of those people get lucky and get a mentor who pushes them… pushes them to be more, do more, have more…

Sounds good, right? Let me tell you, it sucks. It sucks big time.

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What is the opposite of reaction; is it response?

This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…
Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive.
They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.

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You can’t become extraordinary if you live an ordinary life

I am getting a lot of requests to teach people how to become people who live a life worth living, who excel in all four areas, all four pillars of the good life.

My answer is almost always: Sorry I can’t help you.

But why?

Today I got lucky and got my answer in a pristine form.

My University classmate, Panni called me. We talk once a month. She is, of course an architect: we were classmates in architecture school, a five year study.

And she is a mother and a grandmother.
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Why you rarely get what you want…

The biggest challenge for a person with high vibration is to be able to stay relevant in the eyes of people who have low vibration.

Exactly the way the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, the high vibration person begets (give rise to; bring about.) higher vibration, and the low vibration begets (give rise to; bring about.) lower vibration.

Low vibration is, in essence, means that you know very little, and even what you know is not quite true.
You see very little, and your cone of vision is narrow.
You are unwilling or unable to consider widening your knowledge, truing your knowledge, and your view… because it threatens to devaluate your precious “I”.

I am committed to learn how to train people, you, to do what I have done: raise your vibration… and that means, in a very fundamental way, is to widen your cone of vision.
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