Tag Archives: flash in the pan results

Updated: The attitudes of Poverty vs. Affluence… Can you learn the right attitudes?

This article slipped by a lot of people. And today where I keep talking about the small actions that cause and then cement your epigenetic shift, this article is more important than it was a year ago when I first wrote it. Onto the article…
… in Neal Stephenson’s novel ‘Reamde’ he remarks that affluent parts of all cities are similar, but poor parts of cities are miserable in their own way.
What causes success, and what causes failure? Or we could say, what causes affluence, and what perpetuates poverty?

It’s habits. It’s the thing you do (or not do), day in and day out. The things you take care of and the things you don’t.

But if you look, a habit you see are only the tip of the iceberg… maintaining it, keeping it permanently, unchangeably in place.

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Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they were weaklings, they had to be made weaklings. Updated

Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they are weaklings. Humans have a brain uniquely qualified for thinking, reasoning, choosing. ForĀ  95% of humanity not to know, or not want to use their brain for thinking, reasoning, choosing, they had to be made weaklings. Humans are meant to be highly adaptable supported by their disproportionately large brain. Individually. That big brain makes you human, that is your strongest point, and that is also what makes you vulnerable.

Each and every human alive today, regardless of their ethnicity, whether they can accept the DNA capacity activations or not, is able to be with a lot of adversity, that you, my dear reader, are not finding yourself capable of.

Everything seems to threaten your ordered little world, and it feels that if you can’t fix that threat, it will crack your world and you with it.

When I ask a student about this, either they say they are weak, or they say that they are strong, but their behavior belies a fundamental belief that they are weak, that they think they cannot deal with it.

This does not come from personal experience. Most of you have never experienced much that requires courage, or strength, or the capacity to make it through adverse circumstances. Beliefs are this are implanted, through centuries long conditioning.

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How do you catch what you can’t see? How do you change into someone who can?

Last night I spent a few hours (3, to be exact.) listening to Jim Rohn, famed self-development coach. Funny, entertaining, brilliant.

He said all the right words. He made sense to a lot of people.

But I bet if we scratch the numbers, he made just as little results as everyone who is trying to cause individual human evolution.

I’ll tell you in a little bit why… but first let me tell you what he says:
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The “Racket” of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others.

Was it always like this? Before our time? I don’t know. I actually think so. But I can’t know. My memories of another life are just memories, me-centered, so I don’t know what life was like for people. I know in every past life memory I lived in quiet desperation.

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Saxifraga vs. Flash in the pan results. The memory of transformation isn’t

One of my pet peeves, one of my biggest complains, one of my unsolvable conundrums has been the issue of “flash in the pan results.”

Excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, the tools of the motivational speakers lasts about three days… they the humdrum days return with the disappointment, despair, and hopelessness.

Transformation and a new view of life results from transformational programs like Landmark Education. But yesterday’s transformation is today’s arrogance, or today’s despair… the results are rare and short term…

When I measure the vibration of a Landmark Education participant, including the leaders, the average vibration is lower than the general population’s.

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