Instant Healing, Instant Transformation — The Dream Scam of the Age

I have started to do one-on-one consulting again. I didn’t know what to expect, but I now know I can handle anything…

I just started today, so I have had one session. It was wonderful, and the results could be spectacular, except…

This is what this article will be about, that “except…” To see what’s in the way of anyone, any modality, any methodology being able to produce results, ever.

We live in a world of instant gratification, and instant is expected. It is also propagated by stupid, ignorant, fraudulent practitioners, like the ones I write about in my vibrational reviews. In fact, there are 20 million pages telling you that instant whatever is possible, and it is your birthright, just pay a little bit of money for it.

I participated in Landmark Education for 27 years. They also, albeit not openly, promise that you will have a breakthrough in your effectiveness, in your results, in the quality of your life. What they are not saying is that it is not promised because it is up to you.

So, what are these programs, what are these practitioners do, if not what they are promising, if not what you are paying for?

Read the rest of the article –>

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