What Does It Say About You That You Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?

Why do I feel sad?

I got up this morning. I slept well in spite of the heat. The first email I opened was about a guru I had reviewed before, but I put someone else’s picture next to his name. A reader pointed it out, so I searched for the right picture. The vibrational numbers were correct, I re-measured them, 170 and 200.

Then another email talked about another guru, I measured: personal vibration: 150, truth value of teachings: 100 … whoa… that is almost record low. Criminals have higher vibration. Politicians and their campaign promises have higher vibration.

I went over many of the gurus, criminal, ugly, low vibration, fake, sinister…

And then I got really sad. Heavy heart, droopy, like life is over.

It felt that I was grieving over the badness of the world… I even wanted to eat, though nowadays I don’t touch food till 2 pm.

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