Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality: Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Background: One of my favorite books is Colin Wilson’s Mind Parasites. I read it a few times, and it was, maybe, the first time I was alerted to the fact that the mind may not be your friend.

Of course it’s a novel, and it is on the level where Colin Wilson is, which is: not a lot of insights into the different aspects and the inner dynamics of a human being. Nevertheless it was very useful.

I found a sequel, one of the fans wrote a sequel to the original book, and I started to read it yesterday. And although the world view both books represent is childish and not even vaguely similar to how it is really, it triggered me to write this article.

This article is going to be about fixing…

I will pick the area of health and well being, given that this area is so wrought with misinformation and fixing, that it could be said that the fixes cause more mischief than the original problems they claim to fix.

Issue #1: acidity

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