Brilliance, Digging For Gold, Soul Desire, And Eavesdrop On My Private Conversations…

Brilliance, Digging For Gold, Soul Desire, And Eavesdrop On My Private Conversations…

I was on the phone with a friend of mine this morning. We started out in a mastermind. Every other member fell away, but we have been talking, every Sunday at 9 am, for seven years now.

In mastermind, the most important ingredient is: you get to say what’s up, out loud and be heard. This is really important, because the people in your life can’t hear you: they have too much past that interferes, too much vested interest in the way: they will not be able to hear you. But on a mastermind of people with no investment in you being anything other than you are, you can speak, and you can be heard.

I heard somewhere, I can’t remember when, can’t remember where, that “It is hard to be silently brilliant, lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.”

I always wanted to be brilliant. And I always knew that brilliance was like gold, hidden in layers and layers of dirt, sometimes deep, and you need to dig for it.

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