Rob Brezsny’s horoscope as a viable context for spiritual practice and big picture being

One excellent use of Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscopes is to set a context for the week. The context that he recommends is always outside of the ordinary for you, and therefore it will have the potential to dig into the beyond, where all the power you lack and want comes from.

This is my horoscope for this week…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “This morning I walked to the place where the street-cleaners dump the rubbish,” wrote painter Vincent van Gogh in one his letters. “My God, it was beautiful.” Was he being ironic or sarcastic? Not at all. He was sincere. As an artist, he had trained himself to be intrigued by scenes that other people dismissed as ugly or irrelevant. His sense of wonder was fully awake. He could find meaning and even enchantment anywhere. Your next assignment, Virgo — should you choose to accept it — is to experiment with seeing the world as van Gogh did.

Now, how do you use a horoscope as a context of your life? Remember, this whole month will probably be about context…

Your key to this context are the sentences: “His sense of wonder was fully awake. He could find meaning and even enchantment anywhere”

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