Can you wield energies? Do attunements work? Are they needed? Is Reiki real?

In yesterday’s article about the story that marketers use to connect to you, to connect to your need, to prove that they are special, I made strong statements that I want to repeat and provide some evidence.

Some of the stuff that story-tellers sell to you actually work. Regardless of the story.

Now, I don’t have a lot of examples, because I am not a consumer of hyped up products, but I do have one example I’d like to share with you: it is very educational, and quite stunning.

Back in the year 2000 I met this flaky guy. He was quite cuckoo. Circumstances, story, blah blah blah later, he convinced me to buy an energy from his energy guy.

It turns out, the energy guy was Matt Schoener, the energy system was Omega Shakti System (no connection with the Omega Center in NY).

It was very expensive, and it was quite bs sounding, but I did it. (By the way, this guy loved to push me to spend my money on stuff he liked… I hated that, but on the long run I am grateful, I would have never become who I am today without those things.)

The energies were palpable, and they worked for me instantly. Meaning: energy shot out of my hand… wow. Quite amazing.

Read the rest of the article –>

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