The invisible phenomenon of the unintegrated self…

This is a philosophical article, but at some point it is practical: it talks to your concerns, so it is worth your reading. This article will be, also, proof that all writing is re-writing. Now that I written the first draft, I can rewrite it, so it can get better… that is how life works.

Fully understanding the philosophical aspects is not a requirement, although it  did me good to write those down.
OK, here is the body of this article: I have come to new insights this morning: the phenomenon of the unintegrated self…
James Allen said in the beginning of the 20th Century:
“Suffering is always the effect of wrong thoughts in some direction. It is an indication that the individual is out of harmony with himself, with the law of his being. The circumstances which a man encounters with suffering are the result of his own mental inharmony. Man has but to right himself to find the universe is righted. Let a man radically alter his thoughts and he will be astonished at a rapid transformation it will effect on the material conditions of his life.” ~ James Allen ~ As a Man Thinketh.
Of course his work and this quote has been used for wrong… to promote the “mind power” movement, that, not accidentally, never distinguished what is mind, and therefore neither did its adherents, Law of Attraction people, T. Harv Eker, and other bs. artists and shysters.

OK, let’s start with what is integrated, what is unintegrated, so we can at least hope that we are talking the same language.
Read the rest of the article –>

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