Develop the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being)

One of the capacities that you want to activate and develop is the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being).

One of my students violated copyright recently, and I sent her an email
…you have a profound disregard to my intellectual property. I did not sell you the right to do this. So please don’t do it again, and don’t pride yourself on how crafty you are. Stop gutting, combining, etc. the audios you bought the right to use, but not the right to gut them, recombine them. You don’t own them, I do.

Then, inadvertently, I stayed connected to her… not a pleasant experience.

She went into anger and belligerence first. Then was ruminating about it, looking up excuses, justifications, etc.

Then came anguish, shame, guilt…

Read the rest of the article –>

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