Want to get out of your mind where you can’t grow, can’t breathe, can’t raise your vibration?

Want to get out of your mind where you can’t grow, can’t breathe, can’t raise your vibration?

I can hear your enthusiastic yes.

Last night I got up around 2 am… I needed to get some water. En route I checked my email.

There were ten requests to measure their vibration. Three request to tell them what to do to raise their vibration. I went back to bed sad.

For a long time having people ask for their vibration, made me glad. Finding out what is your vibration, what is the reality about the things you know, the things you hold true, your behavior, where you stand on the tree of life, is very valuable. It is like getting a map, so at least you know where you are starting from.

It used to be a way for people to step out of the mind, for a moment, and consider.

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