Money, sex, food, position… the ultimate distractions… but so is bragging about your achievements!

Summery: Money, sex, food, position… the ultimate distractions… And, judging from readers emails: anything that can take our minds off life, reality… entertainment, drugs, will get our attention, our power, our money… our lives.

Kabbalah says that we all have an aspect that can be called The Opponent. It is like the Devil in you… the opposite of The Spirit, The Soul, or whatever you want to call it. It is the aspect of you that wants to fail you, and it works 24/7.

I woke up to a beautiful day this morning. It was barely day yet, but the sky was a beautiful shade of parisian blue, the snow covered huge tree in front of the house glistened a golden brown. What a beautiful day, how nice warm the bed is, how beautiful life is… I snuggled in deeper and fell asleep again.

Then I had a dream, a vivid dream.

Read the rest of the article –>

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