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It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.
Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.
Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They don’t quite know what the principle is, or it may not be politically correct in this day and age. Or not sexy. Or won’t sell books.

Just observe your refusal to consider any true principle… and you’ll get why those articles and those “authors” put their emphasis on sexy… because you won’t read it unless it is innocuous (not considered harmful or offensive) and in some ways tells you that you are greater than you are…
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