What is the deepest, below the water level reason for your procrastination?

If you watched me long enough, you would probably swear that I am a procrastinator. I plan to do things, maybe I even write it down, maybe I even schedule it, and then I don’t do it for a long time, maybe ever.

I don’t consider myself a procrastinator: you need to have a should to be a procrastinator. By definition, procrastination is not doing what you should be doing. I have no shoulds, even if I said I would do something, it doesn’t live like a should for me.

I do things when I do them, and when I don’t do them, I look at them with curiosity, interested to see something about them, but that’s all. I am happy to do the things I do, even if I don’t particularly enjoy the activity, and never force myself to do something: when I do something, I do it because that is the thing to do because that is what I am doing. I never do anything I shouldn’t, I always do what I do.

I know I sound like I was dropped from Mars… sorry about that. But sometimes only outsiders can see things the insiders can’t see.

Read the rest of the article –>

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