Recognize the deadly undertow… the rip current…

There is a saying: man makes plans, god laughs… but how do you explain it without god… I am an atheist. This article is about what it means “god laughs” and what happens to you and your plans if you don’t know what it means, and how to recognize it.
I found something I have never seen before.

As I have said before, the case, your case, is a shape-shifter, and it knows more tricks than are found in all the trick books out there.

As you know, my case is that I am dead, should be dead, who knows how long I have…

Now, learning, starting a new business, learning a software is for the long term. And I have found myself a non-starter in that. I have more programs I have never even started to work with that cost me more money than I could afford.

And I never understood why I don’t do anything with them.
Read the rest of the article –>

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