Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic… if even that? If so: What else can’t you see?

Life is a game… a game is something where it is predefined what is better than something else. What is winning.

In golf the ball in the cup is better than outside of it.

In basketball: the ball in the basket, in tennis the ball staying in the air longer, in bridge the higher score, in Freecell: the empty board.

In business more profits, money that stays in your pocket, is better than less.

In love, being loved is better than not to be loved.

Sun Tsu (The Art of War on Wikipedia, read The_Art_Of_War pdf) said:
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”

So the fact that YOU cannot see the strategy is not an exception, it is more like the rule.

Losing is also defined, either as trying but not winning, or not playing at all.

In the psychopath segment, was it yesterday? feels like a whole week passed, I am talking about the Jewish strategy for survival of the tribe: education. Deep looking, curiosity, inquiry, discussion, diligence, and… not lastly, the principle of marrying a spouse with whom to spawn the next generation… for the survival of the tribe.

If you missed that part, in the video, go back and watch, only three minutes long.

Read the rest of the article –>

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