How I learn and other stories you can learn from

Let’s see if you have a sense of humor? If you don’t… stop here and go darken someone’s day

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. ~ Woody Allen

When I first came to the United States in late September of 1985, my trip was paid by a lawyer somewhere on the Palisades of NJ. I asked his secretary to type up my resume. She did it, on a computer.

There was something I wanted to change, so I asked for permission to go to the office and change that thing over the weekend.

That was the first time ever I did anything on a computer. I remember it took me hours of reading the manual to figure out what c-drive was and what to type in to make the computer do something, and open the document of my resume.

It was DOS time baby… I know that NOW but then I could not tell my arse from a hole in the ground.

And when I found the resume it fell apart in one keystroke… oops.

I spent the day and the evening in that office, but in the end I had a resume.

I was reminded of this incident this morning when I was trying to make a ebook readable for my new hero client who wants to start a business. And the word document of the book did look just like my resume back in 1985 and was formatted with as much ‘savvy’… meaning none. Using none of the built in capabilities of MS Word.

And when I look: I see this same ‘attitude’ everywhere. I call it arrogance… the arrogance of the ignorant.

What I call ignorant is

doesn’t know
doesn’t find out…
just makes up their own b.s. answer.

i.e. reduces the world to stone age level, where there was nothing…
Some people read a book, take a course, hire a coach and then do what they have always done… stone age… or at least ‘before they learned anything for a lot of money’ age.

Boggles the mind.

So… What is missing?

I say openness.

And… What is there?

Rigidness. Rigidity. I will use by club and clobber you to submission attitude.

The hardest clients to make a difference for are the rigid ones… They will, maybe, humor you to take them to the water, but they won’t drink. And they won’t tell you straight that you are wasting your time either.
Anyway, Rant for this morning… check. All done.
On a brighter note: I had a call with Amy, longtime student, great conversationalist. This was our third call, and I’ve come away from every call with something akin a gold nugget for myself…

But this time it was even better.
I had been sulking for a few weeks about some stuff, and I may even say that it’s been about a month.
I knew it was my racket… because every time you are not happy, it is always your racket.

But the racket is a tricky machine, and I could not see what I can do about becoming happy again.

WARNING! when you work with your racket, please know that what you’ll see won’t make you look good, make you smell like roses… No. You’ll look like a creep. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.
It began with my birthday.
Read the rest of the article –>

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