What motivates you? Is it positive or negative?

I am able to tell how your life is working from your answer.

Your life is like a tree adjusting to the slope of the ground, striving to grow straight up towards the sky. Read on, I’ll explain later…

I woke up three times last night.  Each time it felt it was too early to get up… but the third time was close to the time I set on my wakeup alarm… and yet, I didn’t get up.

I went back to sleep a little bit, dreamed, woke up again, and then again and again.

Every time I woke up I conjured up an idea, an image, a thought that would actually make me lift the blanket, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed and get up.
Nothing worked, until I thought: I will forever hate myself…
Then I found my hands move for the corner of the thick blanket, my legs were swinging…

So what happened? What was going on?

I tell you.

We are, all of us, are unconscious of what actually moves us.

The word ‘motivate’ simply means a force that moves… From there comes the expression: motive power.

We all have it, but we all don’t know it.

After all it could be so many…

Newton said that an object in rest will not move until a big enough force is applied to it to move it. And an object in motion will stay in motion in the same direction it’s moving, unless a big enough force changes the speed or the direction.

Obviously I paraphrased Newton’s law for us to see clearly that we are either in rest or we are in motion… and most of those states won’t take us to where we want to go.

Pay attention that the ‘want’ is inert. It is about as important in moving the object, you, as it is important how much face-paint you have on. Not.at.all.

Same with the other three imaginary movers, having to, needing to, and should.
So finding out what moves you, what has enough energy to move you or to stop you, move you and change your direction, is mandatory if you want to be your own person.
If you want to accomplish anything. If you want to have some semblance of power in your life.

Life, your base nature, others, are already providing a lot of forces… and for you to have an experience of being a person, you will need to have a say where your ‘ship’, where your life is going.

The two main inner forces are the move towards (attraction) and the move away repelling, or deterring forces.

But I am starting to see that you have a base nature, and those forces combine.

Your base nature is like a slope in the ground. It is not moving you to where you can be the best or where you can have your best life. In fact it is moving you down the slope… ugh.
Your base nature comes from your soul correction…
Let’s not argue if there is a soul or not. Let us not argue that if there were a soul it would be perfect.

Please consider the soul correction just an expression of an actual issue, a slope in the ground… a slope in the direction of being wretched. In the direction of never amounting to much. In the direction of desire for the
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