Most pebbles are buried under many layers

Most pebbles are buried under many layers: have you found yours? Are you afraid that you are stupid?

We go back in time, find the incident that is the most likely that created your pebble: your key to survival, and yet, the emotions don’t respond.

How do we know that we got to the “real” pebble, not a coverup, not a fake to distract us from revealing the whole mechanism, but the real one, the one that makes you a puppet on a string, never winning, never achieving competence, security, joy, happiness, and fulfillment that could be your birthright?

Last session (I am learning as we go… I didn’t come out of my father’s head with the knowledge, guys! If anyone claims they did, they are teaching you Tree of Knowledge stuff, not the real deal!) a few more people popped. Popping is what I call it when you get to the hidden treasure.

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