Superpowers: the magic of synergy

Sometimes you need to see a bad attitude, a bad behavior, and suspect that what you are looking at is a mirror. Ugh.

I saw ingratitude with one of my clients and it was killing me.

It took me some time, but I started to see my own attitude in the client.

Whenever I see something ugly about myself I swing into action… Remember? There is no way I am going to be anything less than magnificent… Why? I am sure it’s ego. I am sure it’s superiority.

But ego and superiority can fuel growth… and I use it abundantly. .

How is this new? Previously I was sure only I had superpowers… :-\ lol… not funny.

Sigh. I could cry, but I choose to mine this vein of gold instead.[/note]

In the next client session I caught a glimpse of something unusual about that particular client.

Your superpower is connected to something weird about you. I’ll explain what I mean by weird, off kilter, off usual… unusual.

You can be dyslexic. You could have been abused but not broken. You could have been shipped off to North Carolina without ever telling you what you did wrong. You could be weird… but all your weirdness comes from some lack, some pain, some discomfort, some misery.

Everything that happened to you, done to you, lacking from you can be the foundation of your superpower. I am not saying it will be… it can be.

I was a preemie, dyslexic, severe gastric issues (gluten, fructose, vegetable oil intolerance as it, decades later, turned out.) Insomnia, being blind as a bat… lots of weird stuff…

I was also abused.

Not something you are told to rejoice about, but in this article you’ll find out that those therapists were all wrong. Really. Being “normal” is highly overrated and NOT FUN.

Some people made a name for themselves… like Debbie Ford who calls this weird thing about you your shadow side.
Tai Lopez calls this your mess (Make your mess your message)

On a planet with nearly eight billion people you won’t stand out unless you have a superpower or two.

And we all want to stand out. It is genetic. It is in our DNA.

Now, truth be told, even if you know what could be your superpower, you may not know what the heck to do with it. It is still true for the coaching client, and that meeting was a month ago.

Your superpower is a how and a who, not a what… and hows and who’s are hard to see.

This is true for most people.

If you have a friend, an amazing parent, a coach, a teacher with enough generosity and enough insight can be of assistance to you to see your superpower.

I always recommend using the superpower in combination to create an edge effect.

The second element is a second weirdness… if you have one.

The two together can create a strange alchemy that works like magic.

You can experiment with different combinations. The best outcome is from making an eclectic mix of things… this is what I have done for myself. A soup with many ingredients.

But here is the
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