Spiritual Millionaire… is that possible?

I just finished a two hour long presentation by one of my teachers, T. Harv Eker.

Now I know why I have been hesitant teaching abundance and making money… why not leave it to someone who is really good at it. And Harv is really good at it.

I took many of his classes, some I took several times.

Did I get rich? No. Why? Partly because I didn’t follow many things he teaches,. and partly because I personally am afraid of having too much money… I am afraid that it will take me off the path.

But the stuff is good and it is on the path to truth, even if the individual pieces may not be quite the truth. But there is literally no one out there who doesn’t mix bs with truth… I may be one, but I am not very successful with money so it is hard for me to see that I can teach it, even though abundance, which is not the same as a lot of money, I am really good at

Anyway, I pirated the video, and you can watch it on my subscribers page. You need to register and confirm your email to get it. Or you can go to https://www.yourvibration.com/the to watch it on MindValley’s site.

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