Junctures, Paradigm Jumping, It Is Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood, Choices

Choices: It Is Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood

You can change your past. Much like in the movie trilogy, Back to the future, you can change your present that way.

Some 24 years ago, (I have told you I’ve been at this transformation thing for a long time, l.o.l.) I created and ran a group that was called: “Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood”

I was especially attracted to that title, because my childhood was really crummy, and I hoped that it was going to work for me.

Though it didn’t do much for me, it did a whole lot for the participants. Wholly unpredictable changes occurred: I didn’t have any explanation for what happened, but people transformed in front of my very eyes, turned from bitter into sweet and accommodating, two of the group miraculously cured from their impotence, got married, etc. etc.
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