Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind… Get out of your mind!

Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind

Most of what you call intuition, isn’t. It is, in fact, reaction. Mostly it is the reaction of your reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain seems to have retained the memories and learned behaviors of our reptilian ancestors, as if it had been us, personally gone through the experiences of a reptile.

Hold your breath when there is danger. Make yourself unnoticeable and blend into your environment unless you are ready for a confrontation, attack first ask questions later… these are all from the reptilian brain.

Depression, schizophrenia, maybe even ADD are reptilian brain reactions. And no, I am not a psychiatrist, but I do observe people, and I look deeper than most psychiatrist: I didn’t learn this, I distinguished this. This is Tree of Life knowledge, not dead.
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