Imagining success, imagining stuff… here is what really happens…

Unless you know what creates your sky high desire number, and your unbridgeable gap between reality and your delusion… you need to learn where it comes from, what feeds it, and what is the feeder’s goal.

Your guiding principle should be: If in 30% you don’t know who is the sucker in the room, then it’s you. You are the sucker.

So how are you made the sucker? And how come you don’t know?

The mind, that storage/imaging device that is part of your brain, is really stupid. It really believes everything it hears.

You do “imagine” exercises, and the mind believes that it’s there.

Now, what good does that do to you? None, I say… no matter what your “wealth conditioning” expert teaches you.

It gives you delusions, and a delusional person becomes the next sucker… plain and simple.
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