Star Trek The Next Generation, Plugged Up Toilet, Foul Breath, Higher Vibration

If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, be involved with movies.

Today I know better. Movies is Source’s way to talk to me, to open my mind, make me an Expanding Human Being.

So, what about movies… are you going to talk about them?

Yes, yes. But before I get to them, I’d like to share how I notice that my vibration is significantly higher than it used to be.

Yesterday I heard a knock on my back door, and it was my landlord. Turns out the hot water heater broke and flooded the basement.

He asked for a flashlight, and futzed about for quite a while. An hour later I noticed that the water was shut off. I saw him leave… so I yelled after him: “You never told me you were going to shut off the water, so I can be prepared…” I felt angry for a minute and then I laughed.

My landlord was true to form, totally oblivious of other people’s needs, concerns, rights, or anything beyond his own needs and concerns. It is actually funny.

I had an energy treatment and massage appointment today, and I was looking forward to the session and the money… I’ll just take a shower in the downstairs apartment, I thought, but turns out the water is turned off in the whole house. Bummer. No water to wash my hands, no water to flush, luckily I had some energy water in my pitchers…

Called the client and canceled. I am not comfortable having a client when I am unbathed, and the toilet is not flushed.

Then I observed my mouth. It went in the usual “I am personally offended” position, corners down, pouting. But the emotion wasn’t there. I laughed. I scanned my body, and no sign of tension. Wow. I don’t think this ever happened to me before. I had nothing to process, no attitude to adjust, I was just peaceful, cheerful, happy, as if nothing happened.

OK, this is what’s possible when you raise your vibration.

Now, onto the movies:
Movie #1: Star Trek, The Next Generation
I was advised by Source to watch this series on my computer. (Oh, no, not another Medium 104-episode run!?)

Read the rest of the article

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