Bio-electric shield and other gadget… a review
A students says:
Sophie, have you ever find a review of the Bio-electric Shield? It is a disk-shaped pendant that contains some quartz crystals. I had one for 15 years, and it was like my best friend. It seemed to he very attuned to my energy. When I first tried it on, I could only wear it for a few minutes. Then longer and longer.
It kind of fell apart and I lost it around the time I started working with you. Maybe its work was done.
I have tried Q-link, a variation to bio-electric shield. That was before I knew I was an empath. I only knew that other people’s energy was interfering with mine…
I hated it.
Now, I don’t know how it works, I don’t know why it works, but I’ll tell you what I think is the truth about any of these trainable circuits: