Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Hemispheres of the Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace?

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace

Jill Bolte personal vibration: 245
her story and teaching: 296
truth value: 235

What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows?

I have been trying to find out what is the proper word to use when I am talking about the two sides of the brain working together… what are those circuits that light up when you actually “be” as a full-brain individual, where your whole brain participates in your life at the same time, and you have your analytical capabilities and your “intuitive” capabilities informing your actions and your feelings at the same time, not either one or the other.

In my search I was lead to this brain researcher’s speech on TED

I remember seeing that video once before, and I remember feeling that it was hokey… but at the time I didn’t know why.

Can I say today? Let’s see if I can succeed… though the audience ate it up, and I am risking (as usual) to be very unpopular.

Let me start with its conclusion, which is the biggest b.s. I have heard in a long time.

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