There are many many ways to play the game of Life

There are many many ways to play the game of Life

I experiment with some myself… so in addition to observing others, I also get additional data. Like how Life responds to the different ways.
I have recently had a breakthrough. A breakthrough I have intended for about 30 years.
Landmark Education and its graduates are famous for their big words. BOLD. AUDACIOUS this and that. Blazing a path, blah blah blah.

Nothing a mere mortal can put in action consistently… Or even once.

This is why most Landmark graduates’ vibration drops: they now have to pretend more than before. Now they have to do more courses and more courses… Ugh.

So for years I experimented with bold and audacious… to no avail.

My base nature, I think, is fearful, and maybe even cowardly. So bold and audacious was about as far for me as climbing the Kilimanjaro barefoot.

But I kept at it, and kept at it. Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So I succeeded, after 30 years…

Now, truth be told, I only have it working in one, maybe two area of my life… but if I have time, if I live long enough, I promise I’ll bring it to all of my life.
Bold and audacious is just one way to play the game.
So, before I brag more, lol, let’s look at some of the ways I see one can live life.

The fearful and maybe even cowardly way’s hallmark is the narrow cone of vision. Afraid of making mistakes, because they mean something. Like death? Like you are as good as dead if you don’t succeed?
The tentative way: every step of the way the ‘actor’ has to ask someone if that is OK?
I am waiting to get excited! way: When the excitement comes there is feverish activity, and then when the work really begins, whatever the work is, the excitement fizzles out.
The floppy and uncertain way… Seemingly drag their asses… because they are uncertain that it is worth doing what they are doing.
Then defiant: I’ll do it goddamit! way: no joy, no joy, no joy. Joyless servitude.
The ‘I know better’ way: bringing creativity to brushing your teeth way, not where it would be useful.
If nobody sees me, if it doesn’t buy me instant celebrity status, I am not going to do it
I hope they notice how good a guy I am. No? Baaah! I’ll cry

If you look and can see, you’ll see that the organizing principles are: narrow cone of vision, fixation inside that narrow cone, and all action is on the outside… there is no Self… or if there is: it is not participating in the game, doesn’t inform the ‘actor’.

The above examples are from my students.

Now, another aspect, the results, are that no growth, no challenge, no spiritual growth, personal growth, not even growing what you are working on is possible playing the game with those ways, those attitudes.
My breakthrough, 30 years in the making, wasn’t forthcoming.
So a few days ago Source was blocking everything I was doing… it was visceral and not very pleasant. Felt like a cow being driven by cowboys, out
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