What Do You Say When You Are Connected To Source? What Do You Say After You Say Hello

This is a very old article. I just read it because a student of mine keeps coming back to it.
The syntax of communication, always asking for something, renders you a beggar.

What do you think happens to your relationships where you are the taker all the time? It won’t be a relationship… and if anything, it will be a slavery where you are the slave driver. Arrogant, don’t you think?

So, please read this post as outdated. Thank you.
The Syntax of Communicating With Source
Before I can teach you the syntax of communication with Source, we need to look if Source is a sentient being.

Sentience simply means self-aware, conscious.

So far, in all my thinking, if Source is sentient, then it has a very simple circuit, nothing like all the religions would suggest.

At this point of the investigation there are a few things that look like facts:

Source knows what it wants.

Read the rest of the article

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