No amount of right will fix something that is wrong.

Prepare to be spinning with this for a while… Because this article can scramble your reality, like spinning can… Which way is up?
But for the few of you that this is what was missing, it will be like a cool hand on your hot forehead… Soothing. Panacea.
Because, truth be told, your reality is scrambled, and this article has the potential to unscramble it. Again and again.
Because the nature of personal reality is that it is scrambled, and tends to stay scrambled.
No amount of right will fix something that is wrong. At least this is how it looks on the surface. But what is the right and what is the wrong? and is it true that what is wrong IS wrong?

No, I am not kidding you, no I am not pulling your leg… things really don’t work how you think they should.
Read the rest of the article

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