Vibrational reviews: Cat Yronwode, Catherine Yronwode, Daniel Biskind, Dianne Eble, Dr. Margaret Paul, Kris Cahill, lucky mojo, Sandra Bsikind

Dr. Margaret Paul,, lucky mojo,, Catherine Yronwode, Cat Yronwode, Sandra Bsikind, Daniel Biskind,, Dianne Eble,, Kris Cahill,

Dr. Margaret Paul ( She specializes in innerchild and loving yourself.

Margaret Paul: personal vibration: 200. Inner state: extreme unease, can barely breathe. anxiety and fear. Does her method work? 0.5%

Lucky Mojo organization ( They have several practitioners who do spells, readings, hoodoo oils, powder, candle lighting etc etc. Catherine Yronwode is the founder.
Catherine Yronwode: personal vibration: 180
I don’t know anything about spells, but I can tell you, doing spells is very low vibration. (40) the level of desperation

Sandra and Daniel Biskind ( They are healers, trainers, and do enlightenment works. I used Sandra once and she is very expensive, around $500 for the session.
Sandra Biskind: Personal vibration: 110. anxiety, malaise
Daniel Biskind: Personal vibration: 90, lives entirely in his head

Dianne Eble ( She is a certified healing codes practitioner.
Dianne Eble: personal vibration: 90 (normally 110) but always miserable

Kris Cahill ( She is a clairvoyant and energy reader.
Kris Cahill: personal vibration: 170. barely breathing, forced calm, inner uncomfortable pressure and burning.

Who you approach says a lot about you. You are looking for modalities and practitioners that resonate with you… so I can find a lot of you in your “healers” and such.
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