Why I refused to measure your vibration?

You sent a donation and asked me to measure your vibration.

I refund your money and I say: I can’t connect to you

I refund your money and I say: I am not allowed to connect to you.

In both cases All-of-it signals to me that either you don’t really want me to connect to you, or you are not someone I should mix my energies.

I mostly don’t know what was the real reason, until I get your reaction.

Some people send me company emails. Nothing personal. I sense it, Source knows it. They really are just testing me. No, thank you, I am not playing.

They ask me to remove them from my emails, saying that they lost confidence in me. They never had any.

Some people have the type of low energy that Source says: don’t connect. What it means “low energy”? Want me to make a list? I’d rather list for you what I like to see and feel in people, not what I’d rather stay away from.

I am proud that I have grown enough to respect my own boundaries.

Even this way I often get an attachment… I am risking my own health and well-being by merging my energies with yours. Just like you wouldn’t want to French kiss with anyone for $5, I don’t either. And if I would not do it for $5, I would not do it for $1000.
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