David Hawkins Muscle Testing Vs. Muscle Testing While Connected To Source

David Hawkins Muscle Testing Vs. Muscle Testing While Connected To Source

I am getting a lot of questions about muscle testing. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.

Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscle testing, the test is not reliable.

For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes later, and the answer would be the opposite. I would say that is not reliable.

When I started to work with Theta Healing, I found the same level of unreliability. Same question, different answers. Bummer.

I observed my chiropractor always come up with the same remedy to recommend: the one he got the most commission on. hm.

Then when I really connected to Source, the situation changed. Now I have complete certainty… except certain areas, the future, and other spying-like inquiries are not permitted me to access.

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