Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression? Your Purpose, Your Soul’s Purpose And How To Beat Depression

Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression? Your Purpose, Your Soul’s Purpose And How To Beat Depression

For most of my life I was depressed. My mother was depressed. I had a hard time going to bed and I had a hard time getting up. It took me a lot of coffee to get going. I felt heavy, sluggish, and life was an effort.

Depression is widespread, and hard to treat.

In most cases, the treatment is a tradeoff: you may get more mojo in your head but lose it down there, for example.

Looking at it as an empath, where I know more about your depression than you do, because I am not effected (especially if I can figure out that it is not mine!) and I can watch objectively what’s going on.

Now, this is not a dissertation that can cover all types of depression. Instead it will cover the most common. I am exposed to it every day, and I am getting more and more pieces of the puzzle.

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