Muscle Testing

One Of A Kind Information. You Won’t Find This Anywhere Else.
Your Life Gets More Complicated, It Is Hard To Know Who To Trust, What To Trust… You Go From Program To Program, Teacher To Teacher, Diet To Diet, Food Fad To Food Fad… Only To Find Out That The Advice Didn’t Work For You, Maybe even got you into worse shape than you were before.
When You Know The Truth, You Can Get Guidance For Your Life!
You Can Make Decisions Faster And With More Confidence


If the above describes your experience, you are not alone. Not knowing any better you waste your time, you waste your money, and your waste your precious trust.

What is even worse, people who claim to use muscle testing to determine the truth are as likely to be wrong as if they simply threw up a coin… 50% of the time. That is true for chiropractors, nutritionists, energy practitioners.

I was one of these practitioners, myself, not so long ago… until I accidentally found out why the muscle testing didn’t work reliably. I found out what was missing! I added this tiny piece, and voila, the results are consistent and the results have proven that they are accurate.

The Solution: Muscle Testing While Connected To Source… aka The Truth Method
Once you master the Truth Method…

Your muscle testing results will be reliable on your own vibrational level.
You can muscle test for yourself or for others you can physically touch.
You will know what food to eat.
The better questions you can come up with the better results you get
You can raise your vibration by skillfully navigating the treacherous waters of emotions. — Once you can do that, your whole life will change dramatically. You’ll be able to live with power and confidence head and shoulders above your old way of being, and even others…
You can pick Bach Flower Remedies for yourself. Or your supplement. Or what you need, exercise, companionship, or to eat something yummy. You’ll be able to know ahead of time if you should watch a movie, read a book, or buy a program: personalized, and perfect fit… — you can’t beat that! Think of all the money you’ll save! All the trial and error (mostly error!) and uncertainty and confusion, brrrr… who needs that?! Right?
You can see if you need a chiropractic adjustment, rest, or a massage… or go out with friends, a good movie, a good book… hey, sometimes what you didn’t think of is the best medicine! — Imagine living a life that is perfect every step of the way.

Bottom Line? you will go from an uncertain, hesitating, procrastinating individual to confidence, power and results. … Or from someone who “knows” and causes more damage than there was before to someone who can take small but effective steps towards any goal.

You can watch the videos, learn the mechanics, practice through the examples of questions answered correctly with muscle testing and life will never be the same for you.

Get all the recordings dripped out for you. Do not
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