Courses and workshops

All past courses have been recorded and some are available for purchase. I am in the process of checking them, updating the sales letters, etc. So if what you find is a mess… just email me if you want to buy the course.

Amish Horse Training
Carrot and Stick course
Feel Your Feelings course
From upset to communication course
Inner Authority
Instant Coherence course
Integrity workshop
Money: what is missing? workshop
On building a raft… the foundation
The Ego webinar
Turn Around on a Dime aka Being a Winner

Second phase activators
Third phase activators
Brilliance at will level one and level 2
Activate your divinity
Daily connection
The itch that you can’t scretch: the course
The pebble in your shoes
Empath Training
Self healing course
Muscle Testing
The Soaring Method
The Playground… learn what belongs to you, what is real and what is not… so you can become a responsible adult

email me for a payment link and with questions
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