The difference between activators and energies, and why is RESPECT my homework for the week

The difference between activators and energies, and why is respect my homework for the week
Energies are directly downloaded, transmitted, or infused.

I can put my hand on your head, and give you an energy download.
I can contact you energetically, and give you an energy transmission. I can do it for as many people as many can connect at any one time… even if it is a million people. They just need to become energetically one, by connecting to Source at the same time.

That may be the method we’ll use for the potential calamities of 2012: mass energy transmission.
And energy can be transferred or infused into a physical object, namely into the water in the object. It can be water, alcohol, any food item, like chocolate, etc. Then, when you consume the item, it gets into your body.

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