My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it.

But I would not want my boyfriend to drink my remedy in a moment of extreme thirst for alcohol.

I don’t have a boy friend, if you are now wondering. But I did have one, and that relationship taught me a lot.

We met in 2000 and he was an alcoholic. I told him that it is unacceptable. He did the Landmark Forum and he stopped drinking cold turkey. He was doing well, no drinking, not even talking about drinking, for a whole year. Until a kindly waiter at the Japanese restaurant rewarded us with a glass of plum wine for our patronage.

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