what is the important job I am supposed to do now, that is so urgent that I am banned from measuring people’s vibration?

What is the important job I am supposed to do now, that is so urgent that I am banned from measuring people’s vibration?

The job, guiding people, humanity, to the next evolutionary step, has been anything but a straightforward, linear progression.

It’s a team job, Source, my core group, and I, are working as a close-knit team. Partners in trouble… as the Hungarian word, bajtars would say it.

All morning this song was humming in my head… my only real tie to my first 34 years: songs. Not any kind of songs, songs to encourage the proletariat to fight on. And although that fight is gone, although I don’t believe in the ideas of communism any more, the core values those songs taught me are still valid, and rare in the world.

One of those is this “bajtars” idea, being partners in trouble, partners in life. In English I would say like this: “we’ve been in the trenches together.” Trenches of war, where I watched your back and you watched mine. Where we faced certain death together. Where, maybe, we starved together, we risked together, but not each other, no, together.

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