The Whole Idea That The Mind Is Logical Is New To Me

Every self-improvement modality that I have ever tried considered the mind illogical.

The whole phenomenon of Global Negativity broadcasted in the form of feelings and direct knowing created for me a new area of inquiry.

If you haven’t read my last few articles, please do: everything will make much more sense, but I’ll try and make this article whole and at the same time not repetitive.

OK, here is the scoop: you are sent a feeling. The feeling is negative. Given your past history, your previous decisions and interpretations your mind has made, you’ll interpret that negative feeling as meaning something about you, and will react with an appropriate action or inaction, an attitude, etc.

M. felt sad. As her usual reaction, she lied down.
J. feels irritated, D. feels like a loser, N. feels defeated… each person reacts in predictable ways.

If they have the presence of mind, they muscle test if the feeling is theirs. If they do the muscle test deliberately, while momentarily connected to Source, the result of the muscle test will serve as evidence in the Court of Mind that the feeling is a fraud and there is nothing to do.

Read the rest of the article

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