More on paradigms and paradigm shifts plus my example on my paradigm regarding money

The word paradigm is really nondescript, non-definitive.

It is much like saying that someone is wearing glasses. Some glasses come in different colors, sunglasses, prescription glasses, and then there are glasses that are solid with holes in them, to train the eye to fill in the gaps in information.

If your glasses are colored blue, you won’t be able to see blue after a while. Just like water doesn’t exist for the fish, blue won’t exist for you.

The glasses act as filters. Filters allow certain things to pass through, other things won’t be able to make it through. There, the mind, will fill in the gaps in information,just like with the training glasses.

Now, where is this useful knowledge?

First off, it is useful, in my humble opinion, to understand that you read and hear a lot of useful information, that simply doesn’t reach you.

I have a list of affirmations in front of me. the list is from the weekend, the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

There were 2,500 people at my Millionaire Mind weekend. The weekend was fun. I hitched a ride with a friend. She didn’t have that much fun.

When we got back, I promptly started on my 90-day workbook: it had simple exercises for each day.

There was another event on an investment club that I returned to New York (I live 275 miles from NY City). I got there an hour early. I decided to hang out and talk to people as they arrived.

I asked every person I had a chance to talk to if they did the exercises. No one I spoke with did.

>In those 30 days I increased my net worth 13,000 dollars. Others had no results.

Why did I act on the information and why didn’t others?

The answer is simple if you look through the lens of paradigms.

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