Consolation vs. Transformation, Lobotomy or Freedom: that is the question

Consolation vs. Transformation

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. They are all designed so that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier.

Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.

What do I mean? If you trapped a lion and kept it in a cage, you would tend to its health, tend to its mood, tend to its mental health, but did not release the lion to live according to its nature, then you would engage in consolation. A lion is only happy when it can live according to its design.

Human being, you, is kept in an environment that keeps it away from its nature. Human being, by design, is an individual. Intelligent, intimately connected to its environment and its in-vironment, and this is how it lives a meaningful existence.

This separation of man from its nature has happened in many stages, and today’s man, like today’s zoo-born lion, doesn’t even remember its nature. It is not happy, but it doesn’t know why.

When you return a wild animal into its native environment, it doesn’t know first how to fit in. It doesn’t know how to hunt for its food, it doesn’t know how to be safe, it doesn’t know how he is supposed to be with other animals. But it will learn, and it will be free.

The human animal, on the other hand, carries their cage in their mind, no need for a cage, no need for a rope, he is more than willing to perpetuate the cage: the human animal of the twenty first century is the dumbest animal of all.

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