Vibrational Reviews: Dr Yuen, Adi Da, Family Constellation, Flora Peterson

Vibrational Reviews:

The Yuen Method: Dr. Yuen personal vibration: 200; method vibration (truth value) 210. Does he use energy to use his work? no. Is he a fraud? no. Is the method trainable? no. Is he connected to Source? yes. Is HE doing the work? no. Is Source doing the work? yes. His method of connecting is going within. His center of connection is in the chest (not heart). Can I do what he does? No. Could I learn what he does? yes. Dr Yuen is plagued with unbearable anguish.

Flora Peterson intuitive energy reader and space clearer: personal vibration: 210. Success rate (percentage of cases in which she really connects to you): 30%

Adi Da Samraj (
Adidam is devoted to Avatar Adi Da Samraj, His Spiritual Teaching and His Gift of Perfect Divine Enlightenment.) Adi Da Samraj (November 3, 1939 – November 27, 2008), born Franklin Albert Jones in Queens, New York, was a spiritual teacher, writer and artist… Personal vibration: 190. (much anguish). Teachings truth value: 200

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