I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?

I made a terrifying discovery today. The discovery has been long time coming, but today, because the circumstances were so different, I could actually see it. This discovery will change the life of thousands! Guaranteed!

They say that you create your life. It sounds so far-fetched that most people would say: why would anyone create misery, poverty, rape, and death, right?

They never explained to me clearly enough, so I don’t even know if they know the REAL dynamic, my hunch is that maybe the first person that said it did, but not the ones that have been repeating this sentence, like parrots.

So, this is what happened: I was preparing to see a client when suddenly a cap from my front tooth fell into the sink and went down the drain.

I promptly called the client to stop him from coming, I wasn’t going to be toothless… just wasn’t going to be.

I caught him, and he thanked me. I found some tools, took the pipe off the bottom of the sink, found the cap, but now the sink is leaking.

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