
NEW: health review, consultation, recommendations. Live 1-on-1 call. Read the details –> here.

After 18 months of teaching connecting on group calls I’ve decided that it is ineffective, and nerve wrecking for me. Some people pick it up easy, some people don’t, and I am not good at jumping back and forth between the two group.

So, from now on, I only teach people to connect on a private 1-on-1 call. 15 minutes long, $25 per call.

Hi Sophie,

I just wanted to send you a quick note and say THANK YOU for the one-on-one coaching session on how to connect to Source. I know I have further work to do but the session was really valuable in clarifying some of the finer points of the process and I found your patience and individual attention to be the keys that finally put me over the edge in ‘getting this’. This is a really effective way to learn and money well worth spending – I would highly recommend it to ALL your students, veterans and newbies, it was very empowering.

Thank you,


The old activators did not work without you being connected, but the new one, the Avatar State audios work well.

Nevertheless, there is a lot of power in connecting. I can tell by how I feel, and how things go, when I regularly connect, intensely and long, and when I get too busy and I don’t connect.

Also, the self-healing moves only work when you are connected. Muscle testing is only reliable if and when you are are connected.

So, I need to take time to teach some select few to connect. I will not give this more than an hour or two a week, I don’t have more time.

Teaching will happen either on the phone, landline only, no cell phone!, on Skype, or on a private webinar. You need to have a headset to be able to do this, you can’t connect and hold the phone, and I won’t talk to you if you use a loud speaker: I will not be able to do anything if I hear my echo.

These restrictions immediately cut down the prospective students by 98%… so I don’t expect a lot of application.

So, here is how to get an appointment:

1. email me with your intention and $2 to have your vibration checked. If your vibration is too low, I will not teach you.

2. If you pass this stage, I’ll email you back with 2-3 available time slots and a link to paypal.

3. You pay and email me back directly with the time slot that works for you. All times are in New York time, please figure out your time zone, but to make it easier: California is 3 hours behind, London: 5 hours ahead, Paris: 6 hours ahead.

Feedback from sessions:
Thank you Sophie,

With your direction today I connected. What I thought the connection would be wasn’t. Lightning didn’t strike and angles didn’t break in from the roof top and sing ave maria. Yet the feeling even know is calm. And though I cannot stop the water works I feel really good, relaxed calm with energy but with an energy that just is.

I am calmer than I have ever been but I am still filled with so much
Read the rest of the article

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