I don’t remember why, but I signed up to Simpleology, Mark Joyner’s program.
He created a new comic strip, the everyman’s superpower, and, of course, sold it with the same thing he advocates in the comic strip: desire.
Desire, what YOU know as desire, is a lower self vibration, fueled by greed, sexual energy, hunger, anger, vengeance, jealousy, anger… not something you want a lot of.
And even though it is a strong energy, and it may take you to success in some areas, it is destructive of who you are as a person, who you are as a higher consciousness specimen of the species.
I should already be used to it!
“Source”, or whatever it is I am talking to all day, is steering me to do work I didn’t intend to do: experience, test, fall flat on my face, half-kill myself or my business or my relationships.
OK, here is the havoc I have wreaked as a result of this “steering”…
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