All posts by Sophie

Is this all there is? Feeling that emptiness inside… Is there anything that can fill that emptiness?

You feel empty inside. Even when you are “successful” you ask yourself the question: Is this all there is? You believe that other people, money, success, power should fill you up. Nothing has worked so far… or not longer than a few minutes, maybe a few hours.

The real cause of inner emptiness and what you can do about it.

If you feel empty, you are not alone in feeling this way. In fact, most people feel empty. And they run from that emptiness, because it doesn’t just feel bad, it “means” something bad about you… or so it feels.

Some of the explanations you may give yourself why you feel empty… why you ARE empty inside:
I feel empty because:
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If you want to make a difference you have to start with…

One person. Yup. One person. If you can’t make a difference for one person, then you seriously need to overhaul your entire operation, meaning your whole life… and start observing what it is about you and how you do it that leaves people … hm… (note: read the PS about this… please.)

So let’s look at what it means to make a difference, shall we?

I don’t know it exactly either, so we’ll look together. Willing?

OK, it came from Werner Erhard.
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What happens when you lie? What happens if you are a habitual liar, a con artist?

If you are awake at all, you have noticed that people, both in writing and in actual speak, avoid the word lie.

Even when the word they replace it with means something totally different. They say: I lay down… instead of I lie down.

Why is that?

Because the word lie also means: say untrue things.

And it has become the moral of the land.

As if it were true that if you say something untrue, it becomes true by just saying so… like positive thinking.

What do you think lying does to you? Let’s count the ways it makes you miserable, empty, and wretched, shall we?
1. It keeps your vibration low.

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The lost art of catching mice with what they want

It got suddenly cold in my area… and the troubles with it came…
I live in an area of Syracuse, the city, where my house is next to a wooded area… lately it has gotten a name…

There is wildlife. I can observe the white tail deer families, I can observe the badger taking its brood to a discovery tour, same with raccoons, skunks, millions of squirrels, birds of all kinds… and, of course, field mice.

I have lived in this two-family house for 18 years. And I have used hundreds of mouse traps during this time.

My favorite is the mice-cube…

It is one thing to put out a lot of traps, and it is quite another thing to observe what the mouse likes, and give it to them… inside the trap.

I know when I have a mouse, because I can smell it. I can smell the animal, I can smell its pee, I can smell its poop.
So when I do detect the smell, I start playing detective, and see what they have eaten…
It is fall, and it is getting cold, last night it was freezing. So the mice want fat… little volume, lots of body heat…
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Boys don’t know how to be boys…

“If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

I am doing good work with the participants of my accountability program.

One of the things that have been coming up is this: what did it do to you to be influenced more by your mother than your father?

Don’t be mistaken: man and woman, boy and girl, father and mother are different beings… almost as different as if they were two different species. And it should be.

Now, I admit that our “civilized” world makes the two roles more similar looking, but just like in eating, what works best for you is eating according to your DNA, the same is true about gender behavior.
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Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies… Boys and girls, memes…

One of the most important principles in the 67 steps program is to get rid of a “truth” as often as you can.

No one hears it. No one does it. Why?

The mind says: why should I get rid of a piece of useful knowledge.

But here is the problem with “knowledge”… most knowledge you have is fabricated, with rendering you an effect… instead of cause. Rendering you unthinking… instead of making your own observations, testing, and real truth.

I question everything. And little by little, I get rid of stuff that has been declared true for centuries, often thousands of years.
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Do generic health programs, like the Bulletproof Diet or Wildfit work?

Normally either someone uses these expensive and generic programs or opt to use my individual muscle tested diet for themselves. But it seems I got lucky, and one client first started to do the Bulletproof Diet… and then came to me for his individual food list and eating type.

The client got their Starting Point Measurements, that include their hydration and their health number.

His health was rated at 10%. He ate a vegan diet, which means no animal foods, not even eggs, or milk.

When he shifted to the Bulletproof Diet his health number jumped to 20%.

Encouraged, he asked for a full health consult… That was a few days ago… and now his health number is 30%. The new rise is partially still due to the Bulletproof Diet, and partially the new food list/eating style.

What is the difference between his standard Bulletproof Diet and his individual diet?

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Fulfillment… in your career, in your family, in your health, in happiness

Finding a fulfilling career can sometimes feel impossible. … according to Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio. If you are one of the people who is complaining that you don’t know how to get that… here is the first step is clearly setting your goals.
“Your choice of goals will determine your direction,”
“There is always a best possible path. Your job is to find it and have the courage to follow it,”

He doesn’t say it, because he doesn’t know… but the number of people who simply want a happy fulfilling life without investing none of their time, none of their efforts in it is staggering.

If your desire number is higher than your ambition number, you are, for the time being, sh*t out of luck.
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Grow something… maybe grow some balls? Anyone?

Let me tell you a little story. A little story that delighted me more than a whole New York cheesecake and left me wanting more. And left me wanting to share it.

The story goes like this:

There was once a man, we could call him Harold, but you would think I am still talking about Harold from Harold and Maude… So let’s call him Matthew.

Matthew was old and rich. He lived alone in his beautiful house in a similarly beautiful and rich neighborhood.

His pride and joy was his beautiful lawn. Grass… for those of you from the other side of the planet.

He took great pride and a lot of time to keep his lawn weed-free and just the right color, just the right size.

But one day he broke his foot, and just could not maw the lawn… And because he wouldn’t want to hire someone to take care of his pride and joy, the lawn was left unattended.

For a month no one noticed, but when the rains of April came, the grass suddenly started to grow… with plenty of weeds… and the whole neighborhood had a new topic of gossip: Matthew’s lawn.

His foot still wasn’t healed… but he got so angry he shuffled into his house and came out with his shotgun…

OK, that was the first dramatic turning point… in this otherwise mildly interesting story. But then the storyteller switched to skill-building.
Everyone hates skill building because it doesn’t obey the laws of man… it obeys the laws of nature.
What’s the difference? The speed and the smoothness of the road, my younglin’

And that is why I have a whole crowd of readers who, when we inquire, have NO mentionable skills.

Because the speed of skill building is a lot like the grass of Matthew… doesn’t seem to grow for a long time. No one notices, no one praises you for the hard work that you MAY put into building a skill… so you QUIT.

I took a course on article writing in May. Even going through the course was torture for me. Why? Because I had to admit that my article writing chops, even after writing five thousand articles was in need of improvement. Oh, the horror, oh the shame.

And like you, I expected myself to learn and use and practice what I learned, and be on the first page with every article I write, so you open every email, so you read, and you tell everyone about the fantastic articles I write.

By June the latest.

But oh, this is not what happened. Actually, believe it or not, my writing got worse.

It is November, and I got the first compliment an article, for the first time, yesterday.

Another sign that instead of getting better I have been getting worse is that when I refresh my really old articles, they get some attention… I used to write better.
What is it I am trying to say?
Skill building is not a straightforward process, and in addition it is slow. Slow like molasses, slow like Matthew’s grass. It grows, but it may grow with some weeds like my writing.

Because it is slow, just like in other areas of life, you opt to do things that are fast
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What results can you expect from a normal truth value course or program?

I have been intensely curious why something with a 7~10% truth value would make a difference for people who read it, study it, practice it, apply it to their lives.

Ultimately we are talking about 90-93% untruth… and yet. People report results… in the testimonials.

If we look, the world at large is a dark, foggy place with hordes of ignorant, mislead, slothful people.

The average truth value of what is known… meaning accurate knowledge about the world, is less than 1%. Truth value is a percentage number that tells to what degree the particular piece of information contains the whole truth, multiplied by the errors and mistaken assumptions, unproven theories, and such.


99% b.s. or lack of knowledge about anything.

So compared to that, a PhD, a medical doctor, a university professor, a Nobel Prize winner, a Billionaire’s 7%-10% truth value is staggering.
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