All posts by Sophie

Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day

What is a Dark Side event? Hard to know… but it is a lot like a locust swarm event… you see the aftermath, the people’s vibration dropping, bad behaviors that were already forgotten are revived, the water losing its coherence, inside you and outside you.

My own experience is quite dramatic: hurry has crept back… anger, anxiety, wallowing, and the water.

What is it about hurry that is harmful? All of it.
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Generosity, choosing, gratitude

Generosity was one of the distinctions I spent years researching and trying to BE…

It is a tricky way to be, the full meaning of generosity, because almost no one ever is really generous.

We normally equate giving with generosity. Some give stuff, others give praise, some give of themselves.

Most generosity makes the recipient suspicious: what is the ulterior motive?

And rightly so: culturally, human culture, I mean, generosity doesn’t make sense… only trade does. “I give you this, so you’ll give me that.”

And yet, there are a very few people who are actually generous, and they are happy. WTF, right?

Here is another important question: just like with love, whose experience matters, the giver or the receiver?
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I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…

Why would you think that someone will judge you? Simple… you have already judged yourself.

But why would you? Not everyone judge themselves. I, for example, don’t… or not often at all. I often assess myself, my behavior, my looks, my stuff… but assessment does not carry condemnation in it, and it doesn’t carry praise in it either.

What is the difference between judgment and assessment ?

The main difference is fixed mindset.
In judgment, the judging person lives as if there were a fixed good or bad, smart or stupid, right or wrong. And then they act as if they were assigned the job of judging…
So a high fixed mindset plus arrogance, superiority, plus high desire/low ambition numbers.

I have found that people with this combination are unable, unwilling, or resistant to do the work of the Playground.
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I thought I had the beginnings of Parkinson’s Disease

I wrote this article in 2016…

I intended to write a different article today, but this is too important to wait…

I had neurological issues this past few weeks. I started to be wobbly, words weren’t coming easily, easy words, and then to top it off, I was dropping an egg or two: they just slipped from my hand. Four eggs in one week… NEVER even one before, in 69 years.
I started to muscle-test myself to find out what was the cause of this sudden onset of neurological issues.
The problem with “diagnosing” issues, nearly any health issue, is this: the process is linear.

Linear means that you ask a question and depending on what you get, you continue on a single path.

But… but the question depends on your insights and on your knowledge.
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About THAT picture and the pumpkin plan… get unstuck

About WHAT picture and the pumpkin plan… isn’t it Halloween tonight? NOT Thanksgiving.

Oops, I am such a foreigner… I forgot Halloween pumpkins…

Well that is not what this article is about…

OK, stop yelling… settle down, something important in this article… promise.
It’s about YOU.

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Restarting my water energizing system after the Dark Side event of Labor Day weekend

Like everyone’s water my water lost its vibration completely over Labor Day weekend. Fully energized water is 653 vibration, and the water dropped to 200.

My cell hydration dropped to 10%, and I had no energy, not even to read. It was a worse experience than my stomach bug that put me in bed for five weeks.

But the Dark Side energy let up Monday evening, and Tuesday morning I could consider restarting my system.

So what is a water energizing system?

It’s main components are
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What would it take for you to do what you love for a living?

Many people, including some clients, a nephew and a niece have studied to become CPA’s.

It’s not exciting, it’s not titillating, it is not a dream profession… unless… unless…

If I asked a 100 people how they would finish the sentence, what comes after unless, almost all of them would say: unless you love it.

And to a certain degree they may be right… it is more fun to do a job that you love.

But what does it take to love someone or something?

We live in an age where people expect to be in love with a person to get married… and then 50+ percent falls out of love… and get divorced. The less, most of them stay together for the kids.

And the same trend is winning in choosing a vocation… same or higher “divorce rate”.

So maybe the order of things is messed up: first you get good at the job and then you’ll love it.

Here is an article I swiped because it’s so good:
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Removing the leaks created by your inner habits, your attitude, your “how”

The current humanity, homo sapiens, is ignorant to the 90% of reality, the invisible reality. They are like a bunch of Missourians, the show me state… Building and changing the invisible habits

Most people judge by appearances, overt actions, your voice, your actions. But those cover only the top 10% of who you are.

The remaining 90% is invisible, sometimes even to yourself.

And as with everything in our 10% world, what defines how the 10% “manifests” is the 90%.
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Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?

Do you feel locked out of abundance? There is a reason…
There are two main ways to be an entrepreneur

One way is to be in love with yourself, with your product, with your process, and push it. Sell it. Promote it.
The second way is to take your eyes off of what you want, of what you need, of what you want them to have, and listen keenly to what they want and need.

But then the question comes: how do you look? how do you listen?
If you look ordinarily, with your eyes… if you listen ordinarily with your ears, you’ll probably be in trouble.
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The secret of becoming impervious… the secret that really successful people don’t even know they have…

Impervious means: unaffected by, untouched by, immune to, invulnerable to, insusceptible to, resistant to, indifferent to, heedless of, insensible to, “he seemed impervious to the chill wind”, impervious to insults, impervious to fear

Of course no one is impervious to anything really, or they would be dead… You need to be present and notice attacks, malicious intention, fear, pain, and everything that you need to protect yourself from.

The impervious we are talking about is the emotional unshakeability that spares you from a life of a roller coaster, from being reactive, from being judgmental, for going into despair or going to mania.

The kind of inner environment where you can actually have joy, contentment, and workability. Where you “horse” doesn’t run away with you, hijacking you at the slightest irritation.
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