All posts by Sophie

‘My’ amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is out.
The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.

First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.

Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all.

Then the deadline came and I got no notification from the organizers… So I sent an email: when is the deadline? They answered: It’s today, but you can get two more weeks.

That is when I knew, that is when it hit me that I was taking this too seriously.

So I submitted what I had, and said good bye to any expectation that my thousand bucks (YOUR thousand bucks) would bring me any joy, any satisfaction.

The book is out. It is a ‘best seller’ on Amazon… which means nothing. It is by manipulating the numbers. You just ask the 14 ‘authors’ to email their peeps to buy the book. Am I asking you to buy the book right now? No.

The book is listed on my ‘author’s page’ is probably the only thing I got out of this deal. And a lot of people search for my name on Amazon before they decide that I am legit.
I had some learning: It is a business model for the person whose name is on the cover of the book, who collects the thousand dollars.
He might word his model like this:
I publish a series of book that have multiple authors. I decide on the topic, have the cover designed, announce the opportunity to become a ‘best selling author’ for a day to people who aren’t. Post the book with a delayed publishing date on Amazon.
I collect the money. Employ an editor, and wait. The editor puts the ‘chapters’ written by the other ‘authors’ together in kindle format, and I sit pretty in the knowledge that each ‘author’ will promote the book once it is out, or even before that.
That is what creates the ‘best seller’ numbers.
That is that. Not a bad gig if you can get it. About 700 dollars for about 10 hours of work… AND his track record of publishing Amazon best sellers. I talk more about track record a little later.

Kind of a letdown to me.

OK, done. No big deal.

Now, what did I do here?

I was using a technique you can call journaling, where my intention was to create clarity, and to pull to myself, take responsibility for what belongs to me.

I gave myself access to power. My personal power.

To see that I own what belongs to me. That I drive the car that is my life.
And to see that if I do drive that life, then I can take it anywhere.
At some point in the story I had an urge to blame. To call myself a victim of a scam. A con.

But I got what I paid for. I paid to be published as part of a multi-author book that would be a best seller on Amazon.

It is a best-seller right now. And my name is listed there…

Did I make a good deal? I don’t think so.

But was it worth going through the steps
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Is it true that you can attract money to yourself if you match its vibration?

The first question needs to be answered is this: does money have vibration?
And the answer is: no. Neither the pieces of money, bits, bytes, paper or metal… they don’t have any “vibration”… and neither does the idea of money, the concept of money.

The second question that needs to be answered: do YOU have a vibration? And the answer is no, you don’t have “vibration” either.

So what are we talking about when we assign a certain number to a person? We are talking about what they can see accurately, and what attitude they have towards themselves, the world, and other people.

We compare them with the Ideal Man, the godlike being that was predicted in the scriptures… what is possible for a human on a higher level of evolution. A Human BEING.

Now, does your “vibration”, the height matching your personal evolution with the scale of the Ideal Man, have anything to do with money?

Hell yeah. It does.
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Is speed all it’s cracked up to be? Should you read faster?

Here is a little quiz: if you could choose between being gifted with, infused with, have it downloaded to your brain
–a million gigabytes of 2-7% truth value stuff into your mind
–a gigabytes (a million times less data, but through inner processing its truth value would go up to 30% and its use value would go up to 80%)

What would you choose?

Billionaires, I am told, like to read. Some billionaires read a lot.
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Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

‘One of the reasons people are so unhappy is they don’t talk to themselves,’ says author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love). ‘You have to keep a conversation going with yourself throughout your life, to see how you’re doing, to keep your focus, to remain your own friend.’

I bet Elizabeth Gilbert doesn’t know that part of becoming cause in your life requires you to have a structured conversation with yourself… That is what the responsibility questions do.. this is why I gifted the ‘Portkey’ recording where I demonstrate the power of that conversation.

It’s not an ordinary conversation.
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Floundering? Can’t seem to get from A to B? Don’t know why nothing seems to work?

Maybe you feel clueless? Maybe you feel left behind?

Here is MY clueless story…

I have been asking questions more than normal.

In the past seven years, my site’s readership WAS steadily growing… until a month or two ago when it dropped to approximately half of what it was at that point.

It didn’t, or better English, hasn’t effected my income, but it looked troubling enough to start asking questions.

The pull to ask why questions is tremendous… Why me, why now, why people don’t like me?

Meh… But what other questions can I ask?

Now, that is a really useful question: what other questions can I ask?
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Give up liberties so you can have true freedom… or how fighting the strings on your puppet self create a life of unhappiness

Do you ever wonder why in spite of all your good qualities, nice acts, maybe even achievements, your vibration is low, maybe even very low?

Everyone hopes that their good acts redeem bad acts, but when we look at vibration: this is not what we find.

You cannot and should not ignore how reality works… so let’s look.

Your vibration is almost always lower than you think.

I have started to watch TV shows on the computer recently again, after months of just reading.
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Come from your strengths… Know Thyself… they say… But there are two approaches to self-actualization with dramatically different outcomes

Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.

Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need!
Or if we want to go deeper, that need to self-actualization aka BEING is our soul’s desire… while our ego wants to own, to have and to control the environment, others.
So soul wants you to be… happy, fulfilled, vibrant… and the ego suggests that the path to happiness etc. leads through possession, aka control.
The nature of reality is that everything comes from a root cause… and that is being….

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How the Avatar State Activator takes you to the plane of abundance

Everyone wants stuff, it seems we live in the age of wanting. Strong wanting. Desperate wanting. All consuming wanting.

Billionaire Charlie Munger says: Everybody wants the good life but not everybody gets the good life. “To get what you want, you have to deserve (earn!) what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”

And deserving is being at the right place at the right time with the right attitude, doing the things that earns the stuff you want. Health, wealth, love, and happiness.
Earning it.
If I asked you what you do to earn what you want, you would say “nothing,” or you would say “I do this and that.”

…and when I ask you: how much of this and that do you do, timewise? we would find out that mostly you just think about it. Fantasize about it.

I remember as a child I fantasized a lot about how I was going to spend the million bucks I win on the lottery. My brother is not a child (he is 65) but he still does exactly that…

For years I supported him and his family, financially, and he never appreciated it. Why? Not because he is a bad person, and he may be a bad person… My contribution paled in comparison to the millions he fantasized about.

He wanted millions, and he was unhappy with my meager contribution to him… like 90% of humanity. 90% in the same trap. The technical term for that wanting is “the desire trap”.
We live in an age of wanting, we live in the age of the Desire Trap.
You don’t even know what you would have to do, how much and with what attitude to actually earn what you want. Your wanting is just that… a gnawing dissatisfaction, with zero foundation in reality.

Life can be lived on two distinct planes (paradigms), the horizontal plane and the vertical plane.

Wanting keeps you squarely on the horizontal plane, the Valley of The Shadow of Death… every day you get one day closer to death, you are in a hurry, to avoid death, to avoid pain, to avoid discomfort, to avoid getting older.
You even do spirituality on the horizontal plane. You act how you think spirituality is… or should be.
Here is an email showing what I mean:
I see Orbs with me all the time, my outdoor cameras capture amazing Light Beings, since April I am able to feel the vibration from crystals and before that I feel vibrations from trees, especially if they are really old. At times I can feel their emotions. Wild cats come to me especially when I am sad or vibrating high.
Or your health:
I am very healthy and do not contract cold/flu. I’ve been sick once in the last few years. My skin is glowing. My hair lustrous. My skin on my body very soft to the touch. I am 42 but look much younger. I’m lean and fit. My body does not look it’s age or even close to my age.

Could you please explain this to me?
None of it is what spirituality or health on the vertical plane are.
On the vertical plane you see rightly. You see reality the way reality is, no distortions. No pr
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We all want to feel motivated. But we are all taught to go about it the wrong way

Inner motivation vs. Outer motivation… choose! Being motivated inwardly or outwardly. By returning to inner motivation you return to the childlike joy you remember so fondly…

Real motivation is like inspiration: being pulled into doing something, instead of being pushed into efforting and trying and all the horizontal plane feelings: having to, needing to, wanting to, and should. These are not present when you are motivated: you are just doing what you are doing because it’s fun, because it is interesting, because it is there to do… for its own sake.
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